Equestrian Aid Foundation Reaches GuideStar's Highest Seal of Transparency
Wellington, Fla. – Oct. 15, 2020 – The Equestrian Aid Foundation is proud to announce that it has earned GuideStar's Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid, the world's most comprehensive provider of information about nonprofit organizations. The Platinum level is given to organizations that commit to GuideStar's highest standards of management and reporting.
By sharing metrics and information that highlight progress the Equestrian Aid Foundation is making toward its mission, the organization is giving donors and funders meaningful data to evaluate its performance. Nonprofit evaluation is a vital practice that keeps organizations accountable and lets donors know that their charity of choice is trustworthy and reputable.
"In accordance with our long-held commitment to transparency and fiduciary responsibility, we are excited to convey our organization’s progress and results,” said EAF treasurer Marilou Case. “By updating our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile to the Platinum level, we can now easily share a wealth of organizational information with our supporters.”
In the current fiscal year, the Equestrian Aid Foundation has given nearly 300 grants to equestrians in crisis. While maintaining its cornerstone grant program for catastrophically ill and injured equestrians, the foundation has also issued a record number of grants through its Disaster Relief Fund. These grants have offered critical assistance to equestrian communities affected by natural disasters and to equestrian professionals in unexpected financial crisis due to COVID-related industry cancellations and disruptions.
View EAF’s GuideStar Nonprofit Profile here.
About Candid
Candid is a 501(c)(3) information service that specializes in gathering and disseminating information about IRS-registered nonprofit organizations. GuideStar, a service of Candid, provides information about each nonprofit's mission, legitimacy, impact, reputation, finances, programs, transparency, governance and more. It acts as a search engine for nonprofit information and provides information so that donors, funders, researchers, educators, professional service providers, governing agencies and the media may make informed decisions.
For more information, visit www.candid.org.